A threat with divorce in Ancient Egypt (Prague hieratic ostracon with a private letter)


An interesting Ramesside (probably from the reign of Seti II, c. 1201–1196 BCE) hieratic ostracon (P 2027: Figs. 1–3) with a private letter arranged in 11 lines is deposited in the National Museum – Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures in Prague. The text contains a letter addressed by a woman named Takhentyshepset to her sister Iyet to add emmer to the barley she is sending her at the same time and to return it in the form of loaves of bread. Thus she could silence her husband Merimaat, who threatens her with divorce and daily complains that her mother and simblings never do anything for her and bring them no food. The letter, which was written by a very experienced scribe, probably comes from one of the settlements in Western Thebes (perhaps Deir el-Medina ?).

Ancient Egyptian letters; divorce; Ramesside hieratic ostraca; The National Museum in Prague

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