Following the paternal lineage: The origin and spread of the Y-DNA haplogroup I-L233

Anthropologia integra


In the context of the growing popularity of personal genetic testing, this article explores the possibilities, limits, and risks of misinterpretation that different types of these tests bring. It focuses mainly on paternal lineage testing using mutations on the Y chromosome (Y-DNA) and explains the basic building principles of the phylogenetic tree of male lineages. In the second part of the article, this theoretical background is applied to the specific case of the search for the origin and dispersal of Y-DNA haplogroup I-L233. It attempts to outline the likely path of this minority haplogroup through history. This mutation originated in a population of Western European hunter-gatherers (WHG) probably in the area of the northwestern coast of Central Europe or the Baltic Sea during the Mesolithic. The hunter-gatherer way of life in this part of Europe lasted for quite a long time, due to the specific natural conditions, and is reflected in the small number of males of this lineage that is still evident today. This long "bottle neck" was not overcome until the turn of the millenium with the ethnogenesis of Germanic tribes and their spread, mainly to Britain. The journey of the younger branches of this Y-DNA lineage into the hinterland of central Europe may be the result of the the high medieval colonisation, which also occurred in the Bohemian lands in the 13th century. Here the author of the article, as a representative of this Y-DNA lineage, tries to trace a possible connection with the origin of his paternal lineage in the Giant Mountains region. In a general sense, the article attempts to break the too strictly understood boundary between genetic testing for scientific and personal genetic-genealogical purposes.

genetic genealogy; Y-DNA testing; population genetics; archeogenetics; preprehistory and history of Europe; Y-DNA haplogroup I-L233
Author biography

Vít Erban

Jihočeská univerzita

Odborný asistent, Katedra filosofie a religionistiky, Teologická fakulta Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích

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