The Ancient Egyptian Instruction of a Man for His Son (Prague Hieratic Literary Ostraca III)


The Instruction of a Man for His Son, an early Middle Kingdom work belonging to the loyalist tradition of the Ancient Egyptian literature, was composed during the reign of Senwosret I. (c. 1962-1917 BCE). The Instruction can be devided into two sections. The first one (strophes 1-8) extols the central figure of the king and stresses the convincing advantages to be gained through loyalty to him, while the second one (strophes 9-24) emphasises the important role of proper speech in different social situations. No author of this didactic work (written for a man of higher social background) is named on the surviving sources in eight fragmentary New Kingdom (c. 1543-1080 BCE) papyri, one leather manuscript, one wooden tablet, and 140 ostraca. A complete running version of the text is still lacking. A new Czech translation of The Instruction of a Man for His Son is presented in the article. A Ramesside hieratic ostracon (P 3807: Figs. 1,2) with parts of this composition is deposited in the National Museum – Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures in Prague. The publication of this ostracon from Deir el-Medina is accompanied by a photograph, hieroglyphic transcription and translation.

Ancient Egyptian literature; The Instruction of a Man for His Son; Dynasty 12; hieratic ostraca; The National Museum in Prague

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