Travelling and Cultural Contac


The subject of this study entitled Travelling and Cultural Contact is a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of travelling as a tool of exploring unknown parts of the world and understanding the world of different ethnic groups, nations and cultures. Travellers are presented as people whose program is to set foot on the territory of “the others” and during their travels they try to describe, classify and analyze foreign nature and culture. Travelling as an important part of migration and diffusion processes has always influenced the history of human culture and processes of exogenous cultural changes rather significantly. We can assign the label “travellers” to individuals as well as social groups who found themselves during the process of acculturation in a foreign country. People did not only become travellers because they had desire to see the world, but because they wanted to promote their business, economic, military, religious or ideological interests. Therefore, a large part of ancient, medieval and modern history is made of travellers not only as “explorers”, but above all people such as “warriors”, “businessmen”, “diplomats”, “pilgrims”, “nomads”,  “penitents” and “missionaries”. Regardless their motifs and aims that have formed the different kinds of travellers throughout history, in 18th and 19th century a new line of “scientific travellers” was formed. The scientists’ effort to introduce a relevant science studying the world of foreign cultures unravelled in the first half of 20th century into a birth of cultural and social anthropology. Science had a new kind of traveller and that was “field anthropologist”. This study aims to present the most important crucial points in the history of the ancient human desire to travel to faraway unknown parts of the world. To present turning points that, seen from the perspective of the phenomenon of travelling, influenced people’s opinion and led to establishing a new science respecting cultural plurality, multiculturalism and tolerance towards the world of “the others”.

travelling; travellers; cultural contact; fieldwork; cultural anthropology

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