Italian City-states and Catholic Missions in Mongolian World of the 13th and 14th Centuries


The Italian city-states of the 12th and 13th centuries – Venice, Genoa, Pisa, Florence, Milan, Siena, Lucca – have developed and gained strength with the speed, which was unusual for a leisurely Middle Ages. The expansion of European market, growth of trade with the East, plundering raids on the rich regions of Syria, Palestine, Asia Minor, and the Balkans contributed, in the 14th century, to the flourishing of the Italian cities, located at the crossroads of major routes in the Mediterranean. Western merchants were willing to use ways via Asia Minor and Iran, gradually moving farther and farther to the sources of “fine spices”. In these countries, side by side, were advancing both Genoese merchants and missionaries of Franciscan and Dominican orders. The Genoese colonies, factories and leading trading posts were supporting bases of these order missions.

The Mongol Empire; Italian city-states; penetration into Central and East Asia; the Franciscan and Dominican missions in the East

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