On Bats and Men (Some Points of Interest on Our Relation to the Only Flying Mammals)


The aim of this paper is to point at various aspects of human attitude towards the fascinating world of bats (Chiroptera).  In our culture, the angels have been depicted with feathered wings like birds while the Satan has been visualized with „leathery“ wings of bats. In contrast, the Chinese talisman of five bats – or wu-fu – is worn for the five great  happinesses sought by all men. Based mainly on the data by Allen (1939) and Tupinier (1989), certain myths, superstitions, religious and other extra-scientific notions related to bats are mentioned, just as examples from the huge amount of stories across the Earth and time. Then the world of bats is briefly elucidated from the standpoint of present zoology as the second largest mammalian order with some 1,250 extant species. Most bat species play positive role in both (relatively) natural ecosystems and in those altered by mankind as in towns and cities. The paper is concluded by information on certain measures to conserve bats worldwide, in Europe and in the Czech Republic.

bats; superstitions and myths; facts and problems; value and conservation

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