The Coptic Fertility Idols


The long tradition of making nude female figurines (badarian neolitic figures, women mourners, „paddle dolls“, „female companions of the dead“, female ex voto statuettes) from various materials in Egypt led to the creation of the Coptic bone carvings representing an extremely stylized nude female figures in the period between the early 7th and the late 10th centuries AD. Usually, the cubic body of these polished figures is very schematically rendered and strongly geometrized. All the anatomical details are indicated mainly by means of deep straight incised lines. Legs are separated by a straight vertical line carved in the middle, feet marked by simple horizontal grooves. Two typical bone figures of unknown provenance, which we interpret as the Coptic fertility idols, are deposited in a Czech private collection, the first one (Fig. 7) being dated back to the 9th–10th centuries, the second one (Fig. 8) to the 8th–9th centuries. Both idols represent a characteristic example of folk Coptic bone carving art, which later reached its pinnacle in the Fatimid decorations of the 11th and 12th centuries.

Ancient Egypt; female figurines; bone carvings; fertility idols; Coptic art

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