The Rook or Corvus frugilegus L.



Rather than a purely scientific paper, this contribution is an essay gathering up ornithological knowledge of the Rook, Corvus frugilegus, such as taxonomy, position in the genus Corvus, distribution, ecology, and behaviour, particularly in southern Moravia. Contrary to most species of the genus Corvus, the Rook is extremely sociable. This fact is apparent not only in its breeding in colonies and gregarious foraging in open landscape but even in its gregarious winter roosts and regular flights between them and the foraging areas. The Rook is firmly tied to anthropic environments, including year-round synanthropisation. That is why the Rook is a frequent object of human attention, appearing in folklore as well as in literature, however often in a negative sense due to being mistaken for the Raven.

The text is accompanied by photographs of the artist Stáňa Bártová who has been monitoring the rooks and their behaviour for a considerable time, prepares an exhibition on this species and a book Bewitched by Rooks.

The Rook (Corvus frugilegus); ornithological essay; ecology; behaviour; man-rook relations

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Dílčí přehledy z České republiky

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