Exotic Art and Its Potential to Present Czech Society
The subject of this article is to analyze the relationship between man and artistic artifacts made out of home cultural tradition.
The goal is to define the concept of exotic art, so that was non-judges categories, covering all the arts outside the parent, native cultural tradition. This art form is known by many misleading notions, it is necessary to bring this chaos of categories of foreign art to order. The definition of an exotic art in this work is based on an anthropological understanding of otherness and diversity of art and aesthetics in different parts of the world.
The emphasis is put on providing information to understand and define categories of exotic art, which can be used for convenience and classification. The main classification of the categories includes geography, politic, linguistic, social and religions.
Main attention was focused on introducing the essence and aesthetic perceptions of empirically-art artifact of foreign origin, which is to be seen without preconceptions as to the distinctive whole. Only through this approach can be a work of art from different cultural traditions to grasp in its wholeness, beauty of expression and can thus abstracting the essence of the artwork.exotic art; non-European art; art of natural nations; art of civilizations; global culture; art tradition
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