The Raven in Egyptian Culture


Living close to nature along the Nile River, the ancient Egyptians depended on an intimate knowledge of the local fauna and flora for their livelihoods. And in fact, they became exceedingly familiar with the avian world around them, including the ravens (family Corvidae). The earliest extant representation of ravens is presented on a fragment of the “Battlefield Palette” (cca 3150 BC; fig. 1). The realistic representations of ravens and crows on figured ostraca dating from the Ramesside Period are well known (figs. 2, 3). Moreover, two extraordinary scenes present an episode from an unknown fable (fig. 6) and a parody of weighting the deceased’s heart in front of the god Osiris (figs. 4, 5). Probably the most accurate example of the raven in Egyptian art appears on a 12 Dynasty pectoral where two ravens are pictured in place of falcons, symbol of the god Horus, i.e. the king (fig. 7). The ancient Egyptians assigned the raven both positive and negative (cf. the Demotic dream-book of Papyrus Carlsberg XIV, f.) roles. A similar attitude of mind towards the raven is attested in the Arab Middle Ages: on the one hand, the raven as a symbol of separation, sadness and death (e.g. the poems by Antar ibn Shaddad, Duraid ibn as-Simma, al-Ahwas), on the other hand, a symbol of hope and welfare (in the Egyptian folk-songs).

raven; Ancient Egypt; arabic poetry; ostraca; papyri; art

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