The Search for Noah’s Ark
The common assertion that we live in an information age, in the phase of information explosion, is a fallacy. Humankind is overwhelmed with data, not with information. The Earth is afflicted by the Second Flood – over-supply of data. Only by ordering, submitting to selection and hierarchization, can data be transformed into potential information. The work of the anthropologist Jaroslav Malina and his collaborators aims at this data-to-information transformation, as witnessed by his recent general and specialized encyclopedias and also the journal Anthropologia integra. Biological limitations of humans seem to indicate that the deluge of data may not be overcome. It may turn into a major symptom of the closing stage of evolution of the human species. Finitics, a science of a dignified end, may become a new science of the ultimate era.
finitics; human evolution; information; Malina
Copyright © 2014 Ladislav Kováč