Between Africa and Europe: Ethnografical study of the life of irregular immigrants from Africa living in Naples.


This case study focuses on the issue of African irregular immigrants in Napoli in regard to the amendment of migration act by The Salvini decree. The paper discusses the concept of illegal and irregular migration, and it clarifies the clandestini as an alternative to the Italian environment. Qualitative method of ethnographic research, enriched by elements of phenomenology, has enabled to identify the main factors affecting the irregular immigrants (clandestine) lives in Napoli. Overall, 23 polo-structured interviews were conducted in autumn 2020. The case study then maps the following: various processes the migrants have to undergo and experience since their arrival in Italy, conditions of their lives in admission centres of the first and second order, participation in the non-formal economy as a crucial pull factor, mutual relations within the African community, and last but not least the paper considers relations.

clandestini; irregolar migration; Salvini‘s decree; african comunity; ethnographical research
Author biography

Kateřina Hojgrová

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Interní doktorand

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