An Anthropological Sight at One of Prague BDSM Community


The article enables an anthropological insight into the topic of people’s lives, in particular the BDSM community. Through field research which included a long-term participant observation, and formal and informal interviews with passive as well as active members of the community – the authors can now summarize their conclusions. It has been confirmed that the most commonly used practices also in the investigated community are bondage and spanking, taking into consideration however, the fact that their specific techniques are various, in quantity and quality. Therefore it can range from a minor to a total restriction (for bondage), as well as from minimal to severe pain caused by spanking, or (and) humiliation that has equally varying degrees, a different character, and uses a variety of resources and tools. The sexual act itself is not the primary objective although it sometimes occurs. Far more important for the members of the community is the possibility to gather together in a specific setting, to maintain good relations and to ensure a pleasant, mutually enriching, friendly atmosphere; to satisfy one’s own intimate and sexual needs both physically and mentally; and thus consolidate and protect their own sexual and personal identity.

BDSM; dominance; submission; bondage; spanking; sexuality; identity; qualitative research; netnography

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