Anthropology and Naturalism


The aim of the text is focus on the critical reflection of postmodern approaches and the form of interpretativist research in the field of anthropology from the point of view of the philosophy of science based on the natural science approach. We point out the pitfalls that the postmodern concept brings and as a corrective we present a conception based on naturalistic approach on the findings of the philosophy of science. Although anthropology draws on a philosophical basis, naturalism in the methodology of anthropological research has so far not been fully taken into account. The aim is to fill this gap and to show the importance of incorporating the natural approach to the study of human behavior, especially in anthropological field research. In the text we summarize the main areas with which anthropology works. We will show the current approach to studying these areas and how these areas can be enriched by a naturalistic view.

Naturalism; Interpretativism; Anthropological Research; Methodology; Epistemology

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