On the horseback for better physical and mental health


This article deals with hippotherapy and therapeutic use of horse, its characteristics and biomechanical patterns which are crucial for this type of therapy. In the field of hippotherapy, we conducted a survey of the laic public (control group, 40 respondents) and participants of the therapy (research group, 38 respondents) using the anonymous questionnaire method. The results in the control group show good public awareness (100% of respondents) of this type of therapy and its use. The results in the research group gave an overview of the composition of the clients (mostly patients with physiological and combined problems; 76% of the respondents) and the way patients use therapy most (mainly as a complementary type of therapy; 92% of respondents). Differences between groups were observed, for example, in information sources. In the control group, internet was the most common source of information (29% of respondents), while in the research group, the popularity of the use and effectiveness of therapy was spread mainly by oral administration between patients and clients (47% of respondents). On the other hand, similar answers in both groups were recorded regarding the health issues which can hippotherapy relieve from and efficiency and use of this therapy mainly as complementary. This fact shows that general public is well and truly informed about use and effect of hippotherapy.

horse; hippotherapy; training; relationship with animals; movement; psychic
Author biography

Soňa Boriová

- Ústav antropologie Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno 2 - Středisko pro výzkum paleolitu a paleantropologie Archeologického ústavu AVČR, Brno, Dolní Věstonice 25, 691 29 Dolní Věstonice

študent masarykovej univerzity, laboratórny technik Střediska pro paleolit a paleoantropologii v Dolních Věstonicích, Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i.

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