Wagner & Nietzsche: The Concept of Evolution


Grasping the far-reaching consequences of taking time and change seriously, both Richard Wagner’s Ring tetralogy and Friedrich Nietzsche’s dynamic worldview reflected the emerging evolutionary framework. Each creative genius acknowledged the pervasive struggles and conflicts within social existence, while anticipating a devastating challenge to traditional values and emphasizing the power of the will and an affirmation of life. With them, the perspective of Darwinian evolution now encompassed both art and philosophy; a new model of this universe is offered. Although Wagner saw humankind ending with the death of the hero Siegfried, Nietzsche envisioned the fulfillment of our
species in the future appearance of the superior overhuman as the goal of ongoing evolution on our earth.

Change; Darwin; Evolution; Overhuman; Philosophy; Ring operas; Time; Universe; Values; Will

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