Multispecies curiosities and ethnographies



The paper describes the emergence of multispecies ethnography as a form of multiplying experiences and descriptions beyond the human. Despite the definition of multispecies being quite recent, the paper argues that the interest toward the inclusion of other-than-humans in the ethnographic effort dates back at the beginning of the discipline. An example of this interest is the text The American Beaver and His Works written in 1868 by Henry Morgan, in which the author effectively includes these animals in his ethnography. The thesis of the paper is that a multispecies approach can promote a redefinition of hybridity and curiosity as two core features of the ethnographic effort.

Multispecies; ethnography; curiosity; hybridity; Morgan; beavers; other-than-humans

Paride Bollettin

Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University

Assistant professor at the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University

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