On the Things to Come: Philosophical Anthropology


Within a cosmic perspective and the evolution framework, philosophical anthropology now needs to focus its scientific and rational speculations on the possible future of our species as it prepares to venture elsewhere in this material universe. Ongoing advances in nanotechnology and bioengineering will allow for not only the further bio-technic enhancement of the human animal, but also its existence on other worlds. With both the will to evolve and dynamic integrity, our species will more and more direct its own evolution from its present human condition as Homo sapiens to a transhuman stage as Homo futurensis and, finally, to a posthuman level of existence as a cosmic-overbeing (human intervention resulting in emerging teleology). In fact, our descendants may discover life forms, including intelligent beings, on exoplanets and exomoons as a result of exoevolution. The distant cosmic-overbeings may even enjoy immortality as they inhabit different spheres among the stars; no doubt, they will have values, experiences, and a worldview far beyond our imagination. Of course, as with most of those species that had once inhabited our earth, including some prehistoric hominid forms, the natural extinction of our own genus or its descendants will always remain an alarming possibility.

Cosmology; Evolution; Future; Immortality; Nanotechnology; Posthumans; Science; Transhumans; Universe; Worldview

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