Váczi, Peter
Vol.1,No.2(2011) (Original Papers)
Comparative analysis of temperature courses in Antarctic lakes of different morphology: Study from James Ross Island, Antarctica
Vol.1,No.1(2011) (Original Papers)
Summer season variability of dissolved oxygen concentration in Antarctic lakes rich in cyanobaterial mats
Vol.12,No.1(2022) (Original Papers)
Multispectral aerial monitoring of a patchy vegetation oasis composed of different vegetation classes. UAV-based study exploiting spectral reflectance indices
Vol.10,No.2(2020) (Original Papers)
Spectral properties of Antarctic and Alpine vegetation monitored by multispectral camera: Case studies from James Ross Island and Jeseníky Mts.
Vol.9,No.2(2019) (Original Papers)
Autonomous in situ measurement of daily courses of the net CO2 exchange rate in a moss from alpine environment ( Short Communication )
Vol.3,No.2(2013) (Original Papers)
Annual water temperature courses in two contrasting lakes at James Ross Island, Antarctica (Short Communication)
Vol.8,No.1(2018) (Original Papers)
Oxygen evolution rate in Antarctic filamentous alga Stigeoclonium sp. evaluated by optodes relates to chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Short Communication)
Vol.13,No.1(2023) (Original Papers)
Spectral characteristics of bryophyte carpet and mat subformation showing a vitality-dependent color pattern: Comparison for two distant regions of maritime Antarctica
Vol.3,No.2(2013) (Original Papers)
Nitrate and ammonium ions contents in field minibioreactors with Antarctic freshwater autotrophs
Vol.5,No.1(2015) (Original Papers)
Vegetation mapping of moss-dominated areas of northern part of James Ross Island (Antarctica) and a suggestion of protective measures
Vol.4,No.1(2014) (Original Papers)
Long-term fluorometric measurements of photosynthetic processes in Antarctic moss Bryum sp. during austral summer season
Vol.4,No.1(2014) (Original Papers)
Effect of temperature and increased concentration of CO2 on growth and photosynthetic activity of polar alga Trebouxia sp.
Vol.3,No.1(2013) (Original Papers)
Temperature-dependent growth rate and photosynthetic performance of Antarctic symbiotic alga Trebouxia sp. cultivated in a bioreactor
Vol.4,No.2(2014) (Original Papers)
Diurnal changes in photosynthetic activity of the biological soil crust and lichen: Effects of abiotic factors (Petuniabukta, Svalbard)
Vol.10,No.1(2020) (Workshop 2019: BIOSCIENCES IN POLAR AND ALPINE RESEARCH (Extended abstracts))
Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum affected by desiccation and low temperature
Vol.9,No.1(2019) (Original Papers)
Microclimate variability of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems manipulated by open top chambers: Comparison of selected austral summer seasons within a decade
Vol.13,No.1(2023) (Original Papers)
Antarctica – A unique location for the testing of polymers