Válková, Hana
Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Vol.16,No.1(2022) (STUDENT SECTION)
Benefits of 6 Weeks of High Interval Intensity Training Based on Basic Fitness Variables and Losing Weight During the Pandemic of Covid-19 Period.
Vol.16,No.2(2022) (SOCIAL SCIENCES)
Social Behavior in Children of Special Olympics and Non-sporty Children with Intellectual Disability
Vol.17,No.1(2023) (STUDENT SECTION)
Socio-Culturally Different Motor Skills of Czech Children with ASD Aged 7-10 Years Assessed by the Test TGMD–3
Vol.16,No.2(2022) (STUDENT SECTION)
Creativity and Tactical Skill Profiles of Handball Players