Benefits of 6 Weeks of High Interval Intensity Training Based on Basic Fitness Variables and Losing Weight During the Pandemic of Covid-19 Period.




Background: Due to the authorization to do outdoor sports in Algeria, the government allowed the sports that do not require physical contact. The purpose of this study is to show the benefits of 06 weeks of high interval intensity training (HIIT) based on body weight movement and sprint on developingmaximum oxygen consumption (vo2max), power, maximum aerobic speed (VMA), endurance, and losing weight during the pandemic of covid-19.

Methods: 11 persons participate in this study belonging to the fitness club in Bordj Bou Arreridj - Algeria - (age: 32.18± 8.08 year, high:  1.78± 0.052 cm, weight: 84.24± 11.25 kg, BMI: 26.50± 3.95 kg). the protocol was contained 3 session moderate intensity, pretest, 6weeks HIIT 3 sessions per week, and ensure that the heart rate is 100% during the exercise finally, post-tests.

Results: similar increases (p < 0.05) in distance of running by (226,54m, 17.30%). And VMA it enhanced by 2.26 km/h with 17.34%. While Vo2max it’s developed by 17.28% (7.92 mL/kg/min). with very large effect size (ES=1.75). In addition, the power of legs it boosted by 3.17% (6.27 cm) with small effect size (0.58). Also, results indicate decrease in weight by 2.73 with large effect size (0.87).

Conclusion: the outdoor exercise it seems safe to do during the pandemic of covid-19. Results highlight great effect of HIIT on enhancing (vo2max, power, VMA, endurance, and losing weight). 

High interval intensity training; Maximum oxygen consumption; Power; Maximum aerobic speed; Endurance; Losing weight; covid-19.


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