The Czechoslovakian government's efforts at actual incorporating Slovakia into Czechoslovakia
The article is concerned with the two Czechoslovakian bodies that attempted to take control over Slovakia in 1918. These bodies were the interim government for Slovakia and the minister granted full power to administrate Slovakia. The author briefly characterized the origins and activities of both of these bodies. The operation of the interim government for Slovakia lasted only for a very short time and ended without having produced any remarkable effects. The minister granted the full power to administrate Slovakia succeeded in taking actual control over the whole of the territory of Slovakia and establishing Czechoslovakian administration. This process, however, could not have happened without the help of the Czechoslovakian diplomacy that did much to optimize the conditions for this process (which was still very difficult to carry out). Dealing with the interim government for Slovakia the author mentions a whole lot of factual inconsistencies that can be found both in memoir and historie literature.
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