The President of the Russian Federation in the Decisions of The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation


Despite 26 years of its existence the legal institute – The President of the Russian Federation – has not acquired clear features in the Russian legal world. The main aim of this article is to take a look at the president from the perspective of The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in other words to show the readers which fundamental issues about the president were decided by the court, what were the solutions and what was the argumentation. On the grounds of the absence of detailed legislation, the generality of the constitution and the unclear position of the president in the system of division of state power, the judicial decisions gain importance by participating in defining the institute of the Russian president. Individual constitutional court decisions are carefully chosen to point out the general tendency and the quality of the court argumentation.

The President of the Russian Federation; The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; Judicial Decisions.

Author biography

Kamil Hradský

Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague

Ph.D. student

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