Obligations of the Administrative Authorities in Relation to the Procedural Rights of Parties to the Administrative Procedure in the Process of Evidence


The present paper deals with issues related to the obligations of the administrative bodies in the process of administrative evidence and their relation to the procedural rights of the participants in the administrative proceedings within evidence. It deals with relation of the breach of obligations of the administrative bodies and limitation of the procedural rights of the participants. Individual obligations of the administrative bodies are explained and defined both from the point of view of the administrative body and in relation to the procedural rights of the participant. Attention is also focused on the questions whether the individual duties of an administrative body in the evidence process create certain pairs that must fully correspond with the procedural rights of the participant or whether these institutions can exist separately. The contribution seeks to provide answers to a number of questions that may arise in connection with these duties and rights. It focuses on current legal issues related to evidencing in the administrative procedure, precisely in connection with the procedural rights of the participants and the corresponding duties of the administrative authorities.

Administrative Procedure; Rights of Participants; Obligations of Administrative Bodies; Evidence.


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