Human Dignity as Philosophical and Legal Concept
There is no doubt, that human dignity is one of the most important fundamentals human rights. In this work I tried to resolve what does term dignity means. In this context we can mention quite big number of situations, for example dignity of proceedings at law, dignity of religious ceremonial, or even very often dicussed dignity of death. But there is no doubt that human dignity has totaly different meaning and also much more higher importance. It is not very easy to define what is human dignity. The answer is quite difficult however the importance of human dignity markedly increased during the 20th century especially due to historical curcumstances. The idea of human dignity is very wide. Aspiration to understand what does human dignity means leads to think about other term assosiated with human dignity. It can be said that human dignity can be visible in relationship between people, in acces to liberty of human being, liberty of thinking, in acces to people with different religious persuasion, to dying people, or imprisoned people. Human dignity means to respect value of human life, value of every human being and his fysical, psychical, spiritual and even social needs. In this work I tried to define what does human dignity is, what is its content and meaning. Also I tried to offer different philosophical conception of human dignity as well as legal conception of this term. It is very important to offer information to make comprehensive idea of conception of human dignity.
Author biography
Darina Popovičová
Department of Legal Theory, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno
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Copyright © 2017 Darina Popovičová