The Institute of the Cooperating Accused – the most Effective Means of Combating Organized Crime?



The submitted contribution is devoted to knowledge related to the specific institution of the cooperating accused, in terms of Slovak legislation. An integral component of the submitted scientific contribution are application problems, the analysis of which will serve as a basis and starting point for possible de lege ferenda proposals. The reader will be introduced to both the Czech and the Italian legal system in the given issue, and from the information obtained in this way, individual settings of foreign legal regulations that could act as a basis for domestic legal regulations in the future will be highlighted. On the other hand, we will also point out the problematic areas with which the legal regulations in question are faced. We are convinced that such a thorough analysis will provide not only the reader, but hopefully also the academic community, with appropriate findings that will benefit the legal order of our republic and create space for further discussion.

Organized Crime; Cooperating Accused; Evidence; Admissibility of Evidence


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