Are There Legal Barriers to Depolymerisation of Waste?



The paper analyses the requirements for the implementation of depolymerisation technology for waste plastics, especially tyres. It is based on the support for similar facilities, which is already evident at the European Union level, as well as the real demand for the location and operation of specific facilities, which is confronted with the unpreparedness of the legal regulation or the inconsistent approach of the state administration authorities, as shown by the experience from the permitting processes so far. No facilities in the Czech Republic process waste by depolymerisation technology, although more than ten attempts have been made by various investors to build such facilities. The authors conclude that the requirement to carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA), which means that the permitting process is extended by approximately 290 days, is a significant burden for investors. However, it does not preclude the implementation of the project, similar to other requirements in the field of public construction law, waste management or air protection. The introduction of depolymerisation would significantly help to reduce the tax burden on mineral oil, which can in principle be addressed by applying a tax exemption scheme, a lower tax rate or an exemption from mineral oil tax.

Pyrolysis; Waste Tyres; Environmental Impact Assessment; Waste Hierarchy

Author biographies

Jakub Hanák

Department of Environmental Law and Land Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno

Assistant Professor

Vojtěch Vomáčka

Department of Environmental Law and Land Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno

Assistant Professor


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