Applicable Law to Infringement Disputes of the Right to a Trade Name


The paper discusses an issue of determining the law applicable to disputes arising from the violation (or threat) of a right to a trade name in non-contractual obligations in the light of Czech private international law, especially the Rome II Regulation. Attention is paid, inter alia, to the question of whether it is possible to choose the law applicable in these disputes and how to deal with the many applicable laws in an infringement of a right to a trade name by acting with effects in several countries.
Finally, the criteria contained in the Rome II Regulation for determining the law applicable to trade name infringement disputes in non-contractual obligations and related issues mentioned above are compared with the criteria set out in the CLIP Principles in order to emphasize a different approach to these matters.

Right to Trade Name; Applicable Law; Non-contractual Obligation; Choice of Law; Dépeçage; CLIP Principles.

Author biography

Helena Pullmannová

Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Ph.D. student

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