The Role of the Constitutional Court during the Pandemic: Active Player or Passive Bystander?


The article focuses on the Czech Constitutional Court and its role in the political system during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in respect of state of emergency, and clarifies what role the Constitutional Court should play in the separation of power. Based on general premises of positive constitutionalism and theories of emergencies, the normative-analytical article designs five possible approaches of the Constitutional Court in a pandemic situation. Accordingly, it provides negative and positive reasons for accepting the Constitutional Court as an important player in the political system in managing a pandemic.

Constitutional Court; Separation of Power; Constitutionalism; COVID-19 Pandemic; State of Emergency.

Author biography

Michal Kovalčík

Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno; Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno


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