Expressions of the Personalization of Leadership: Perspectives of Slovak Party Leaders in Relation to their media


This study examines the impact and position of party leaders in relation to the personalization of politics in the Slovak Republic. It identifies personalization in the media, expressed by an increase in the focus of media coverage on individual politicians. The main objective is to show the nature and presentation of party leaders in relation to the concept of personalization, as well as in relation to the type of presentation (negative, positive, or neutral). The study is based on the common finding that if the political party has a dominant and stable position within the system and the party leader has a strong and charismatic personal characteristic (valence), her or she is presented through positive or neutral messages rather than negative, and vice versa.

Communication; Media coverage; Party leadership; Personalization; Prezidencionalization;
Author biography

Viera Žúborová

Kontakt: Inštitút Sociálnych vied UCM v Trnave, Katedra politologie a Evropských studií, UP v Olomouci; e-mail:

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