Relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation in the Natural Gas Sector


The issue of the security of gas supplies remains one of the major areas of EU-Russian energy relations. The aim of this article is to define and analyze the framework of EU-Russian gas relations. The text is based on the assumption that it is possible to define gas relations between Russia and the EU not as the unilateral energy dependency of one side on the other but as mutual dependence. For this reason, the article deals with the theory of interdependence and its application to EU-Russian gas relations. The paper also examines two possible scenarios for the development of gas relations between the EU and Russia.

European Union; Interdependence; Natural gas; Russian Federation; Sensitivity; Vulnerability;
Author biography

Lukáš Tichý

Kontakt: Metropolitní univerzita Praha, o.p.s., Dubečská 900/10, 100 31 Praha 10 – Strašnice; e-mail:; Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, Nerudova 3, 118 50 Praha 1 – Malá Strana; e-mail:

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