Pluralism and Corporatism: The Usability of Classical Models of Interest Politics as a Theoretical Framework for Empirical Research


The article searches for a suitable theoretical framework for the study of the position of interest groups in political systems. It offers a brief overview of classical theoretical models of interest politics that is both pluralism and corporatism with special attention being paid to their usability for empirical research. The article comes to conclusion (based on the work of Alan Cawson) that pluralism and corporatism, as well as other possible models of interest intermediation should be treated as regimes that can coexist within one political system. The work of Balme and Chabanet and their four analytical levels provides a new input into the corporatism / pluralism discussion.

Corporatism; Models of interest representation; Pluralism; Regimes of collective action;
Author biography

Aneta Valterová

Kontakt: Institut pro srovnávací politologický výzkum, Fakulta sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity, Joštova 10, 602 00 Brno; e-mail:

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