Tendencies in the Development of Czech Armed Forces at the Turn of the Millennium


In the Czech Republic, military elites find it very difficult to persuade politicians and the public that they should spend more on defence, which is in agreement with the predictions of the theory. The decreasing willingness of the public to serve in the army is indicated, among others, by the growing numbers of those who choose to go into so called civilian service introduced as an alternative to military service in the period of the Federation. The gradual evolution towards the cadre-based army is to be understood in the context of new priorities in terms of the basic tasks the army is expected to fulfil. The way of the Czech Armed Forces (ACR) modernizing has been in agreement with the political strategy of building a reduced, modern army that, while designed primarily for the defence of the state territory, would also be ready to use part of its capacities to carry out various types of peace resolution operations. On the whole, we can conclude that the basic trends in the ACR modernization are basically in agreement with the main trends of the ongoing revolution in military affairs, provided, of course, one allows for the limitations of the Czech Republic (CR) financial resources.

The Czech Republic; armed forces; military reform;
Author biography

Zdeněk Kříž

Odborný asistent katedry mezinárodních vztahů a evropských studií FSS MU Brn.

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