Regional Elections 2004 – Microsystem Analysis of Šumperk District


The article “Regional Elections 2004 – Microsystem Analysis of Šumperk District” is engaged in election participation and election results in the relation with the number of the inhabitants each municipality, and with its geographical position. There are analyzed likewise the results of census (2001), especially the rate of profession. Results of regional elections 2004 are also compared with the results of regional elections 2000 – at the level of each municipality and their categories. The sizes of election participation are also compared with other elections from 1994.

regional elections; participation; parties; Šumperk district;
Author biography

Stanislav Balík

Odborný asistent Katedry politologie Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Odborný pracovník Institutu pro srovnávací politologický výzkum Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně.

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