Elections to the European Parliament 2004 in Austria and Austrian Political Parties


The article discusses the outcomes of elections to the European Parliament in Austria in June 2004. Attitudes of relevant Austrian parties towards the European integration project are briefly discussed and placed on the theoretical scale that ranges from “Hard Euroscepticism” and “Identity Europeanism”. The presented outcomes of the elections are put into the general context of the Austrian party system and voters’ preferences since the middle 1980s. Special attention is given to the phenomenon of Hans-Peter Martin’s populist list that won almost 14 % of the vote. Also, relatively low voter turnout is discussed. The Austrian example is very suitable for theorizing European elections as elections of less voters´ attention that is conceptualized at the end of the article.

Austria; European Parliament; Elections; Europeanization; Political Parties;
Author biographies

Vít Hloušek

Člen Redakční rady časopisu Středoevropské politické studie. Odborný asistent na Katedře mezinárodních vztahů a evropských studií Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity. Zástupce ředitele Mezinárodního politologického ústavu Masarykovy univerzity.

Klára Poláčková

Studentka politologie, mezinárodních vztahů a práva na Masarykově Univerzitě v Brně. Asistentka Institutu pro srovnávací politologický výzkum Katedry politologie Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy Univerzity v Brně.

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