Příčiny vojenského převratu: syntetizovaný kauzální model


The article is an advancement of a preceding text which analyzed particular substantive theories of military coup in mainstream Anglo-Saxon political science literature. It provides a synthesis analysis of the previously analyzed literature specialized in military coup research, and because each substantive theory provides explanations of the occurrence of military coups through different independent variables, these factors are categorized for research purposes. Working with the definition of a military coup, the article’s goal is to set ten separate theories together into a formal concept of the military coup and express it by means of a synthesized causal model. This model contains individual premises of existing research and constitutes a conceptual framework for the formulation of “the hammer and anvil theory” of military coup. The “hammer” signifies the capacity and commitment of the army to effect a change of government by the use of force or under the threat of it. The “anvil” represents factors which delegitimize a government and de facto hamper its ability to escape the “hammer” blow.

Klíčová slova:
Military Coup; Coup d’État; Political System; Causal Model
Biografie autora

Lukáš Martinák

Ministerstvo obrany České republiky, Tychonova 1, 160 01 Praha – Dejvice, Česká Republika.

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