Introduction of the Election Cycle Model: The Case of the Czech Republic 2006–2007


The aim of this paper is to analyze how political marketing was used and applied in the 2006 electoral campaign and how marketing influenced and changed party behaviour (even after the elections). Political marketing can be described as the use of marketing concepts and methods in politics. It allows us to analyze political parties from a new and different perspective. We focus mainly on the relevant political actors (who were successful in entering Parliament), with special attention to the campaign of the Social Democrats (ČSSD). The objectives of this paper are to analyze the electoral process as a changing and evolving activity and to answer the following questions: How did the party formulate its strategy and how did it use political communication? Second, how was the campaign organized? Third, what attitude do Czech political parties hold towards campaigning and elections and what changes may be expected in this area?
Methodologically, we will approach the topic by introducing the Election Cycle Model. This is a heuristic model which examines elections, campaigning and governing as mutually influenced processes. We are aware that the model was tailor-made for the 2006 Czech Elections but it still offers a very solid framework for further analysis of party behaviour.

Klíčová slova:
Czech Republic; ČSSD; Election Cycle Model; Elections; ODS; Political communication; Professionalization;
Biografie autora

Otto Eibl

Student doktorského programu politologie na Katedře politologie Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy Univerzity v Brně.

Anna Matušková

Studentka doktorského studijního programu Politologie, Katedra politologie, Fakulta Sociálních studií Masarykovy Univerzity Brno.

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