The Governmental Crisis in Austria and the Austrian Party System


The present article comments on the contemporary development of the Austrian party stage, deals with the governmental crisis of the Schüssels cabinet and the situation before the early elections to the National Council in November 2002. Analyzing the basic programme outputs and potential coalition strategies of the relevant Austrian parties, it considers all the possible configurations after the elections. The article also briefly analyses the consequences of various alternatives of post-electoral coalition for alteration of the Austrian party system that undergoes the long-term process of transformation.

Klíčová slova:
Austrian Party System; Moderate Pluralism; Coalitions; Parties; Elections
Biografie autora

Vít Hloušek

Katedra mezinárodních vztahů a evropských studií, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita, Brno.

Člen Redakční rady časopisuStředoevropské politické studie a


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