Teoretické očakávania a skutočné výstupy volebných systémov: Ako merať veľkosť deviácie?


The paper criticizes current conceptual frameworks focused on the evaluation of the performance of electoral systems. It offers a new tool allowing researchers to measure the size of the deviation of electoral outcomes from theoretical expectations. The index d = log[NS/(MS)1/6] is built on the Seat Product Model (Taagepera 2007b) and captures the deviations of electoral outcomes from predictions solely on the basis of two institutional factors – average district magnitude (M) and size of assembly (S). The theoretical background of index d is explained, and its reliability is further supported by conventional econometric methods based on empirical data.

Klíčová slova:
Electoral Systems; Theoretical Expectations; Size of Deviation; Measurement Tool; Seat Product Model
Biografie autora

Miroslav Nemčok

Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno

Jakub Šedo

Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno

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