Identifikace mobilizačních témat Dělnické strany sociální spravedlnosti skrze analýzu sociálních médií


The article “Identification of Workers’ Party of Social Justice (DSSS) mobilization issues using a social media analysis” is focused on using the analysis of data obtained from social media in political science and security research, specifically research of mobilization issues of the Czech far-right Workers' Party of Social Justice (DSSS) political party. Based on the theoretical framework and using a combination of content and framework analyses of their Facebook page, we tried to identify and describe the mobilization issues that this party uses, and which also have high response from the supporters of the party. The results show that in the last three years a rapid change can be seen in the mobilization potential associated with a shift from anti-Roma mobilization issues to issues oriented against immigration and Islam. General mobilization is then built on the principle of negation and delimitation towards other actors, especially the current establishment, and is based on a feeling of injustice.

Klíčová slova:
Extremism; Far Right; Cyber Security; Mobilization; Content Analysis; Online Social Networks; Radicalization; Frame Analysis; Social Media
Biografie autora

Jan Hanzelka

Interní doktorand, Katedra politologie, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova Univerzita, Česká republika.

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