Sociálně demokratické strany v ČR, Maďarsku a na Slovensku a jejich pozice k zavedení Evropského stabilizačního mechanismu


The article examines the positions of the Czech, Hungarian and Slovak social democratic political parties on the introduction of the permanent European Stability Mechanism as a means of addressing the economic and debt crisis in the EU. Using the categories of frames used by political parties in relation to the EU (utilitarian and cultural) introduced by Helbling et al., the political parties’ representatives’ speeches and written statements are analyzed. The analysis showed that all three of the parties use similar arguments and they tend to frame their opinions in both utilitarian and cultural terms with the category of “political efficiency” being the most frequent. While the most extensive debate about the issue was in Slovakia as the only Eurozone member of all three given countries, the Hungarian MSzP was able to conceive the topic in a broader context. The similarity of the positions of all three examined parties may indicate an ability of national political parties to constitute one of the key pillars in developing a supranational political system in the EU.

Klíčová slova:
Social Democracy; European Stability Mechanism; ČSSD; MSzP; SMER; Framing
Biografie autora

Pavlína Janebová

Interní doktorandka, Katedra mezinárodních vztahů a evropských studií, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita. Joštova 10, 60200 Brno.

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