Definice, příčiny a důsledky kumulace mandátů zákonodárci


The article deals with various aspects of multiple-office holding. Although the phenomenon is especially influential in connection with legislators, the text offers a critical synthesis of recent findings on multiple-office holding on any level of political decision-making, thus providing a general framework for scholarly discussion and further research. The paper first provides a definition of the concept of multiple-office holding, which has been heretofore lacking in the Czech context. Causes of multiple-office holding are then delineated and divided into the three categories of historical reverberations, systemic elements and individual incentives. Both the positive and negative impacts on a political system are discussed as well. Next, three approaches (direct, indirect, and autoregulatory) of dealing with the practice of multiple-office holding, which are employed by particular political systems, are distinguished. Then, the role of a multiple-office holding in the Czech political system is depicted. The final part of the paper discusses a specific controversy linked to the phenomenon and criticises the lack of proper debates and scientific analyses on the practice.

Klíčová slova:
Cumul des Mandats; Multiple-Office Holding; Deputy; Member of Parliament; Legislature
Biografie autora

Lukáš Hájek

Interní doktorand, Institut politologických studií, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Karlova, U Kříže 8, 158 00 Praha 5.

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