Perspektivy využití Linzovy metodologie pro výzkum nedemokracie


The modern trend in non-democracy research is to focus on the area between democracy and authoritarianism, the hybrid regimes etc. The “classic” methodology based on distinguishing authoritarian and totalitarian regimes is no longer so important. In this study I suggest, however, that the methodology of conducting research into non-democracy presented by Juan J. Linz, probably the most important “classic” author in the field, should not yet be regarded as outdated. His concept of an authoritarian regime’s mentality offers several opportunities for further research and I consider Linz’s methodology capable of absorbing contemporary trends (i.e. the hybrid regimes) as well.

Klíčová slova:
Authoritarian regime; hybrid regimes; ideology; Juan Linz; mentality;
Biografie autora

Jan Ptáčník

Interní doktorand, Katedra politologie a mezinárodních vztahů FF ZČU v Plzni, Avalon Business Center, Poděbradova 2842/1, 301 00 Plzeň 3, Česká republika. E-mail:

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