Analýza protiteroristické politiky Velké Británie s využitím konceptu europeizace


The main objective of this study is the application of the concept of Europeanization to the area of the counter-terrorism policy. Europeanization is then illustrated on several institutional and legislative milestones in the evolution of the fight against terrorism. Due to the mutual interactions between the national and supranational level, the processes of change can be observed within Great Britain as well as on the EU level. The text is structured chronologically into the following parts: the initial formation of the fight against terrorism, the period after 11/9, the period after the terrorist attacks on two European cities, and finally the current form of counter-terrorism policy in the context of the Lisbon treaty.

Klíčová slova:
Europeanization; counter-terrorism policy; Schengen area; Europol; European Arrest Warrant; EU’s Counter-terrorisms Strategy; Lisbon Treaty; Great Britain;

Uvedené elektronické zdroje jsou ověřeny ke dni 19.12.2011.

Oficiální dokumenty
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