Potenciál využití soukromých vojenských a bezpečnostních společností nevládními organizacemi


The paper deals with private military and security companies (PMSCs) providing their services for non-governmental organisations (NGOs). It includes a brief overview of the security environment from 1990 and how PMSCs have developed since then. There is also an analysis of the motivations behind the NGOs’ decisions to use the services of PMSCs and of cases when their services were used in practise. The paper attempts to explain the basis of the co-operation between these two parties during humanitarian operations and explores services provided by the PMSCs to NGOs. The author also considers the key prerequisites for successful co-operation between these two parties, as well as the other options, if any, which are available to NGOs in the area of security.

Klíčová slova:
Private Military and Security Companies; Non-Governmental Organisations
Biografie autora

Vendula Nedvědická

Metropolitan university, Prague

Metropolitní univerzita, Praha.

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