Second-Rate Coverage of Second-Order Elections: Czech and Slovak Elections to the EP in the Media


Elections to the European Parliament (EP) are considered second-order national elections (SOE). The SOE model suggests that there is a qualitative difference between different types of elections depending on the perception of what is at stake. Compared to first order elections, in second order elections there is less at stake because they do not determine the composition of government. Given that voters behave differently in second-order elections, the question arises: do the media also consider second-order elections less interesting and therefore devote to them less coverage? The media play a crucial role in informing citizens about such events as elections; they function as intermediaries between the electorate and the political arena. However, little is known about how EU issues are covered in the media, particularly in the new EU member states. Conducting a content analysis and applying the second-order election model, this paper analyses TV news coverage of the 2004 and 2009 European elections in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in a comparative fashion. The findings are discussed in the light of existing research literature on the EU’s legitimacy as well as its alleged democratic and communication deficit, not least because the EU relies on the media in strengthening (albeit indirectly) its legitimacy by increasing citizen awareness of its activities.

Klíčová slova:
Domestification (Europeanization); Electoral campaign; European elections; Input legitimacy; Media; Second-order elections;
Biografie autora

Jan Kovář

Contact: Metropolitní univerzita Praha, o.p.s., Dubečská 900/10, 100 31 Praha 10 – Strašnice; e-mail:;

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