Problematika vzájemné závislosti v energetických vztazích mezi Českou republikou a Ruskou federací a působení Evropské unie


The article deals with the theory of interdependence and its application to energy relations between the Czech Republic and Russia to explain why the existing framework of energy relations can determine Russian energy policy towards the Czech Republic and which policy decisions of Russia may represent a threat to Czech energy security. The text argues that the problem lies in the fact of asymmetrical interdependence, which is a source of power of Russia and has resulted in sensitivity and vulnerability of the Czech Republic’s energy security. The paper also examines how the European Union as a whole can contribute to a change of the framework for energy relations between the Czech Republic and Russia, and thus to a partial reduction of sensitivity and vulnerability of the Czech Republic, as well as Russian ability to influence its energy security.

Klíčová slova:
Czech Republic; Energy Security; European Union; Interdependence; Natural Gas; Oil; Russian Federation;
Biografie autora

Lukáš Tichý

Interní doktorand na Metropolitní univerzitě Praha. Vědecký pracovník na Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů.

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