Politický režim Chorvatska za vlády prezidenta Franjo Tudjmana a koncepty nedemokratických režimů


This article is focused on the characteristics of the political regime of Croatia during the reign of Franjo Tudjman, primarily on the period from his election in April 1990 until the election of January 2000. The text is based on the concept of authoritarian regimes by J. J. Linz. Specifically, it focuses on the individual axes of the authoritarian regime: the limited pluralism, ideology–mentality, mobilization–depolitization, political leadership, and the international context. The text evaluates the existing regime in relation to these defined axes.

Klíčová slova:
Authoritarian regime; Croatia; Franjo Tudjman; Ideology; International context; J. J. Linz; Leadership; Limited pluralism; Mentality; Mobilization;
Biografie autora

Petr Týfa

Kontakt: Katedra politologie, Fakulta sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity, Joštova 10, 602 00 Brno; e-mail: 79058@mail.muni.cz.

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