Hybridní režimy jako svébytná kategorie politických režimů: Komparace vybraných přístupů


The topic of hybrid regimes has always provoked heated debate. One of the reasons for this has been an often unclear and vaguely defined line between democracy and authoritarianism, which is why many theoretical concepts have come under heavy criticism. As a reaction to this frequent criticism, newer concepts have begun to appear – concepts which stem from a trichotomous classification of political regimes in an attempt to eliminate criticism and ambiguity. These new concepts see hybrid regimes as a stand-alone category of political regimes. The presented text aims at comparing the most well-known conceptions of hybrid regimes of this kind. Specifically, it deals with the conceptions of Mainwaring, Peréz-Liñán and Brinks; Levitsky and Way; Zinecker; Wigell; and Gilbert and Mohseni. On the basis of the comparison that was carried out, it is possible to conclude that in terms of practical use, each of these analyzed conceptions has its strengths and weaknesses. However, as far as contributions to the aforementioned debate are concerned, these concepts suffer from significant problems.

Klíčová slova:
Hybrid Regimes; Tutelary Regimes; Competitive Authoritarianism; Grey Zone; Non Democracy
Biografie autora

Jaroslav Bílek

PhD candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Hradec Králové

Interní doktorand, Katedra politologie, Univerzita Hradec Králové.

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