Francouzské prezidentské volby 2007 z pohledu volební geografie


The purpose of this analysis is to find an answer to the question of where candidates in the 2007 French presidential elections garnered the greatest support. The research subject will thus be the distribution of support for the four main candidates, namely Nicolas Sarkozy, Ségolène Royal, Jean-Marie Le Pen and François Bayrou. The so-called “detection area of electoral support” method will be employed for analysis. The resulting electoral maps will then be compared and contrasted with an existing long-term trend in French presidential elections. Electoral results from the first round of presidential elections are used and these are aggregated at the level of the department.

Klíčová slova:
Electoral geography; François Bayrou; French presidential election; Jean-Marie Le Pen; Nicolas Sarkozy; Ségolène Royal; 2007
Biografie autora

Michal Pink

Asistent, Oddělení politologie, Katedra politologie, Fakulta sociálních studií MU v Brně.

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